I'm an atheist. I don't believe in a god or gods. I believe that all of those stories are make believe. In life there is no magic that will help you. God will not answer your prayers. God will not save your grandfather. God will not help you. I used to be a Christian, I used to pray to God that my grandfather will not die. One day I prayed so hard, I began to cry. About ten minutes later, my mother called my brother and I out to the living room. I knew something was wrong because her face was damp with tears. She told us that our grandfather was dead. That was the day that I decided that God wasn't real. Here are some reasons why you should rethink your religion. I'm not saying you should change your religion, but I want you to know these five things :
#1 God Encourages Rape
(Deuteronomy 22:28-29 NAB)
If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her.
So, what it's saying is the woman has to marry her attacker. That's probably one of the most idiotic things I've ever heard.
(Numbers 31:7-18 NLT)
Now kill all the boys and all the women who have slept with a man. Only the young girls who are virgins may live; you may keep them for yourselves.
So what it's saying is, after battle, you need to go into the city and murder every man, child, and woman who have slept with a man. But, you may keep the virgin girls to yourselves. This clearly stated that Moses and God encourages rape.
#2 God Encourages Murder
Anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the judge or of the priest who represents the LORD your God must be put to death. Such evil must be purged from Israel. (Deuteronomy 17:12 NLT)
So anyone that doesn't listen to a priest should be killed.
Whoever strikes his father or mother shall be put to death. (Exodus 21:15 NAB)
"I hit my father once, should I be dead?" Yep, in Gods eyes you should be dead.
#3 Cannibalism
If after this you still refuse to listen and still remain hostile toward me, then I will give full vent to my hostility. I will punish you seven times over for your sins. You will eat the flesh of your own sons and daughters. I will destroy your pagan shrines and cut down your incense altars. I will leave your corpses piled up beside your lifeless idols, and I will despise you. I will make your cities desolate and destroy your places of worship, and I will take no pleasure in your offerings of incense. Yes, I myself will devastate your land. Your enemies who come to occupy it will be utterly shocked at the destruction they see. I will scatter you among the nations and attack you with my own weapons. Your land will become desolate, and your cities will lie in ruins. Then at last the land will make up for its missed Sabbath years as it lies desolate during your years of exile in the land of your enemies. Then the land will finally rest and enjoy its Sabbaths. As the land lies in ruins, it will take the rest you never allowed it to take every seventh year while you lived in it. (Leviticus 26:27-35 NLT)
If you are a sinner and disobey God you must eat the flesh of your children. Sounds like fun, am I right?
#4 No Sex During Periods
If a man lies in sexual intercourse with a woman during her menstrual period, both of them shall be cut off from their people, because they have laid bare the flowing fountain of her blood. (Leviticus 20:18 NAB)
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I grew up with a mormon dad and a baptist mom. I went to both churches and went to church with my grandparents. My great grandfather on my mom's side was a baptist minister. So there was quite a lot of religion while I was growing up. When I got to be an adult I dabbled in the church of satan for a few years and found it wasn't for me, then I dabbled in Wicca and found that wasn't for me. I now consider myself Agnostic and have been for many years.
ReplyDeleteI'm happy you finally found your true self. It was fairly easy for me to convert into atheism, because once my mother and father divorced, I never went to church. Later on in life, I just never really felt like those biblical stories were true and everything. So I talked to me dad, and turns out he was an atheist. He supported me whatever I wanted to be, and he changed the way I saw religion. I used to think I was Agnosic, and I still kinda do. But, right now I've labeled myself as an atheist. :)