Saturday, August 27, 2016

Body Image


Sitting over a trash can, sticking my finger in my mouth. Trying to be skinny. Trying to look like a model. Why? Because the world wants skinny girls and boys. Hold on. Let's back that up. Most models starve there selves, and anorexic. Wouldn't you rather be HEALTHY? Than SKINNY? Healthy is eating nutritious food and exercising daily. Skinny is starving yourself and over exercising. Healthy is being able to control your body more, and being happy. Skinny is getting lightheaded every time you stand up, and having health issues. Healthy is being able to give birth to a healthy child. Skinny is NOT being able to give birth to a healthy child. Your body is your body, if you're not healthy, change your habits. That's life, and if someone doesn't like you for your body - who cares? If you're happy with how you look, that's all that matters.

Choose the healthy lifestyle.


  1. I know about this all to well. I had a friend who was in the model industry and she barely ate. If she did she would "snack"

    My advice is to base your models off fitness couches and not models. The instagram account em_wizzfit is such an inspiration do check her out.

    Love how real you keep your blog.

    1. Thank you! I don't understand how people are so obsessed with being skinny or like 'the models.' It's not healthy or attractive, people need to realize this.

      I hope you have a great day! :)
